The Republic of Macedonia is a land-locked country that won its independence when Yugoslavia fell apart in the 1990s. It is located in southeast Europe, north of Greece, east of Albania and west of Bulgaria.
Coordinating with Macedonian schools and youth organizations since 2004, the Macedonian School Project has installed numerous new chalkboards for needy classrooms. In addition we have provided countless school supplies such as: maps, globes, first aid equipment, science material, books, pens, computer equipment, Frisbees, soccer balls, LCD projectors, Ping-Pong table and most importantly, USA friendship. So far we have worked with 8 schools and 1 kindergarten located in 8 towns and villages in Southwest Macedonia. In 2013 we began the Macedonian Teaching Experience that enables interested American volunteers to teach conversational English and pronunciation skills top Macedonian students.
The past two years the Oregon Community Foundation, the Speroff Family Foundation and various individuals have kindly provided the MSP with small grant funds. The MSP is tax exempt status as a 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
The people are friendly and optimistic about the future of their small country of 2 million. They support the education of their children but schools have limited budgets. For instance, the average teacher earns approximately $600 a month. Whenever we arrange a photo session with the donated material the children are eager to express their appreciation.