
2010 Macedonia School Project Annual Report

Each year this little project grows.

report1In 2010 we installed 5 new chalkboards in three local schools, located first aid kits in two schools and provided playground balls in another school. In total we have installed 13 new chalkboards and provided a variety of school supplies to 6 schools in the area. The best part of this effort has been images of Macedonian children with the materials we provided.
It is a small project but our contributions go a long way in touching the lives of the local participants. The main beneficiaries, of course, are the teachers and children who are delighted that anybody in America cares about their needs.
The schools range from the large, diverse Bratsvo-Edinstvo (Brotherhood and Unity) school in the moderate sized city of Ohrid to village schools located in the district and hillsides around the main town. Compared to American standards school budgets and teacher salaries are very low.
report2This year we set up a website: After looking over the site, the Macedonians hope that it will serve as a channel for additional support and future exchanges. Kids love to know they are on the internet! Staff from two schools have volunteered to help on additional pages. We plan to add a page where schools can provide their “wish list” of needed school supplies. View these new pages and other improvements in the near future. We need your feedback.
In addition Macedonian teachers and students would like to network with peers in the USA.
Recently several donors have expressed interest in seeking non-profit status for tax credit purposes. After talking with other groups and with local Macedonians we think this is a smart way to go. Not only will donors receive the deserved tax credit for their generosity, a non-profit organization could act as a vehicle to apply for grants and coordinate resources with other entities.
Let us know if you have any ideas to help the cause. Maybe we can set up some fund raisers.