
2012 Macedonia School Project Annual Report

Thanks to Boardmember Leon Speroff and the Goce Delcev Foundation and the MPO of USA and Canada we had a few more dollars to spend in 2012 on behalf of the Macedonia Schools Project.

The teachers and staff were very grateful.

Many items have already worked their way into the classrooms. A very popular item was a new Ping-Pong table for the Tito School in Struga. We also purchased 3 microscopes and sent them from the USA. Two went to Bratstvo-Edinstvo School and the other to the Tito School. Boardmembers Vesna Terzioska and Tom Lineham traveled to Stip one day to negotiate directly with one prominent school supply outfit. This was truly an interesting experience. The purchases were for schools in Velgoshti, Leskoec, Kosel, Vapila and Kuratica. We mainly bought math and science equipment. The English Resource Center received a bulk of the grant for Bratstvo-Edinstvo School including a projector & screen, copier/scanner and yet another chalkboard (17th). Earlier this year the Portland-based Podkrepa and other individuals provided the center with books, games and school supplies. One afternoon, students from Tito School went to Vraniste primary school located north of Struga to paint murals on the hallway walls. The paint and supplies were provided by the MSP. We have renewed interest in the classroom connection program as both USA and Macedonian teachers agreed to do it again and build on last years’ experience. We made a short video with Macedonian students introducing themselves to their USA counterparts. The newest MSP venture is establishing a Macedonian Summer Teaching Experience. To assist in this endeavor several Macedonian teachers and administrators formed a new NGO (Проект за македонските училишта) approved by Macedonian authorities. In the program volunteers from America may teach conversationalist English 2-3 weeks in the summer to interested Macedonia students. Macedonian teachers will assist American volunteers in the classrooms to insure a rewarding experience and help them find lodging in the nearby community. See the Macedonian Teaching Experience tab for more information.