
2016 Macedonia School Project Annual Report

In 2016, the Macedonia Schools Project carried forward another year touching the lives of many school children and educators in Southwest Macedonia.

The program developed some new partnerships and formed new friendships. In addition, the MSP explored some possible directions and challenges for the future.

Small grants

The MSP grant recipients always express much appreciation for the additional funds to supplement their meager budget for supplies and equipment. While the funds are limited, the teachers always remind us that the dollars go a long-distance in Macedonia. This year we provided three $900 grants
• Zivko Cingo School, Velgoshti for a smart table (parents helped cover costs);
• Tito School, Struga for three lap-tops for its village satellite schools;
• Bratstvo-Edinstvo, Ohrid for repair of moisture problems in the English Resource Center.
• In addition, Barbara Sheridan’s kind donation of $100 went for chemistry supplies at Bratstvo-Edinstvo School.

Volunteer teaching experience

Ted4After a year without a volunteer, this year the MSP came upon one of the most remarkable teachers so far in our program in Ted Speroff. Ted came prepared with a challenging curriculum for his teenage Macedonia students based on his long experience in teaching scientific methods in the USA
In Ted’s words about his experience:
“I observed that the Ohrid class and the school seemed to mirror the state of Macedonia where salaries are modest, material goods are sufficient but not abundant or lavish, and infrastructure is in need of repair and renovation. None of this, however, deterred the students from commitment, learning, and enjoyment. My students were optimistic toward their future, kind and helpful to each other, and courteous and respectful to teachers and adults. Moreover, I noticed that the teens were loyal in their responsibilities toward helping their parents, siblings, and grandparents. I taught these students a course but the lesson the students revealed to me is that Macedonian life is about relationships.”
For Ted’s full story of his Macedonian teaching experience see the MSP website. His unique story was also included in the United Macedonian Diaspora Newsletter and the Macedonia Tribune.
After four successful years using Bratstvo-Edinstvo School English Resource Center for our volunteer teaching experience, the MSP exchanged letters with school Director, Maumer Doko, to formalize our wonderful relationship.



MSP’s periodic boxes come as unexpected surprises to our grateful Macedonia recipients. Each box contains in-kind donations from our friends that include: books, chess equipment, colored pens, chalk, erasers, pencils, coloring books and games. This year we afforded postage for three boxes sent to:
• Goce Delcev School, in Kuratica
• Niko Nestor School, in Struga
• Tito School, in Struga
• Vanco Nikoleski, in Kosel

Special guests

VesnaThis year the MSP sponsored two of our fellow board members and Macedonian educators, Emi Paunkoskia and Vesna Terzioska, for a visit to the USA. Besides touring the USA and honing their English skills the two stayed with local families and met folks in the USA interested in Macedonia and the MSP.
Emi and Vesna also participated in the MSP first physical meeting in August. Until then all meetings were conducted on-line. At the meeting the MSP board members reviewed our current scope and talked about ways to improve our program. In addition, all the board members at the meeting agreed that the next annual meeting will be held in Macedonia in 2017.
As Emi and Vensa concluded their visit we loaded them down with more school supplies to take with them back to Macedonia in two heavy one-way suitcases. The suitcases contained donations from Podkrepa members: Vasja Jordanova (also a MSP board member), Mike DePinto and Blazo and Alice Mitasev. Vesna called upon some help from her Red Cross friends in Macedonia to transport the extra cargo from the Skopje airport.

Other accomplishments

The Director of Bratstvo-Edinstvo school honored Tom and the MSP with an invitation to the school’s special assembly celebrating of the Interethnic Integration in Education Project sponsored by USAID.
Due to the help of the United Macedonia Dispora, Tom met with the staff of the American Corner, in Struga to discuss ways the MSP and AMC may cooperate in the future.
A Podkrepa member expressed an interest in funding a needed infrastructure improvement project at the Bratstvo-Edinstvo school. Discussions are continuing on his special opportunity.
MSP website manager, Zoran Sofkoski, updated the site to include links to the much acclaimed Macedonian documentaries by Lupco Paunkosko, father of Emi Paunkoska. We also developed some keywords for the website to better attract on-line interest on our programs.
We decided to close our bank account with ProCredit in Ohrid. The high fees didn’t seem to warrant our activity level. Emi found a local bank, Ohridska Banka, which is more suitable for our needs of wire transfers and occasional small expenditures and deposits. Vesna is in the process of establishing the account.

Thanks to all our donors this year:

Oregon Community Foundation/Speroff Family Foundation,
Leon & Sen Speroff, Tom Lineham, Roger Douglas, Roger Wilson, Barbara Sheridan, Mike DePinto, Vasja Jordanova, Blazo & Alice Mitasev, and Lisa Neal.