
2018 Macedonia School Project Annual Report

As Macedonia faced critical challenges about the nation’s future during the year, the Macedonia Schools Project continued its decade long focus on the classrooms of eight small schools located in the SW corner of this Balkan country.

The rewards were great. Much of the success rested on the shoulders of three MSP Board member/educators living in the Ohrid-Struga area along with their helpful colleagues and friends: Vesna Terzioska, Emilija Paunkoska and Margarita Ruinova Niceska. The three have done a tremendous job in adjsting to the many program changes and needs.

Small grants

This year the MSP awarded four $,1000 grants:
• Vanco Nikoleski Primary School in Kosel for Two LD Projectors and accessories.
• Bratstvo-Edinstvo School in Ohrid for a new copy machine and educational materials for the English Resource Center.
• Josep Broz Tito School in Struga for a smart board (partly paid by friends of the school).
• Three lap-top computers through a special grant from American businessman Chris Evanoff who was born in Prilep.

Volunteer teaching experience

Thanks to the American Corner in Struga, the MSP successfully transferred its summer teaching experience from the Bratstvo-Edinstvo School’s English Resource Center in Ohrid due to remodeling plans. Besides the change of location, the MSP welcomed a mother-son teaching team to the program: Ginia and Cole Goggio from Naperviille, Illinois. The conversational English lessons centered around the theme of American Culture and Systems. The dynamic duo created several hands-on, interactive sessions for the younger students during the two-week lesson. 25 area students attended. A special thanks goes out to the American Corner for graciously hosting and assisting the 2018 MSP volunteers.


This year we sent three boxes of English reading books and schools supplies to Vanco Nikoleski schools in Kuratica and Kosel and to Zivko Cingo School in Velgoshti. While the MSP boxes have been popular over the years, our Macedonian board members suggested we save postage money by only sending English language books and science supplies in the future.

Special accoplishments

• Vasja Jordanova and her son Sasha Agapiev arrived into Ohrid with three large suitcases full of school supplies and sports equipment which they lugged all the way from Portland OR.
• Sasha was also instrumental in raising funds at his school to ship 15 clock-timers for the Lasker Chess club in Ohrid.
• Leon Speroff and Ljudmil Jordanova donated used computers to the Tito School.
• Sasha 2019 project is to raise funds for the Photography Club at Bratstvo-Edinstvo School.
• The MSP sponsored two Macedonians for visits in the Portland Area: Margarita Ruinova Niceska to attend out August Board meeting. In addition, Vasja gave Margarita tour of the Intel campus Christian Zafirosky, a Skopje law student, was hosted by the Speroff and Bouneff families. Among events, Tom escorted him for a visit to the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry.
• Ljudmil Jordanova met with Macedonian-based board members in Ohrid and discussed computer technology.

Board meeting

This year the annual Board meeting was held at Dr. Speroff’s home in Portland, OR. The board followed with a Skype meeting in September. In the meetings we covered topics such as: future challenges, finances, possible grants, how to send used computers to Macedonia. We confirmed that the main target of MSP grants is the school classroom unless a donor requests something else. In the September meeting the board added two new members: Blazo Mitasev from Oswego OR and Ginia Goggio. The Board also decided to expand by adding village schools in the Stip area.

Special thanks to our donors that include:
Oregon Community Foundation/Speroff Family Foundation, Vasja Jordanova, Kim Hart, Catlin Gable Chess Club, Tom Lineham, Kathy Lawrence, Blazo Mitasev, Chris Evanoff, Tim Nogler, Alexander Nicoloff, Anne Dosskey, Tanja Pejovic, Ginia Goggio, Georji Georgjievski, Rick and Brenda Lehman, Roger Wilson and senior softball players Phil Riches, Bob Rheim and David Keim. Also, thanks to Intel and Microsoft for matching donations.