
2019 Macedonia School Project Annual Report

This year the Republic of North Macedonia adopted a new name. Hopefully the historic decision will help lead toward a more prosperous future. As Macedonia adapts to the times, the Macedonia Schools Project adjusts as well.

During 2019, the MSP developed new business practices to make the organization more accountable and transparent. We updated our bylaws, adopted clearer program guidelines, approved a budget and introduced a Request for Proposals process to better identify our funding options.


Grants and gifts

2019 reportThis year the MSP awarded four $1,500 grants: three primarily went for science equipment to Bratstvo-Edinstvo School (Ohrid), Josep Broz Tito schools (Struga area) and Zivko Cingo School (Velgoshti). Another grant went for new sound equipment for Vanco Nikoleski schools (Leskoec).

In addition, Sasah Agapiev coordinated several events and donors to provide photography equipment to the Btrastvo-Edinstvo’s photography club.

MSP Board member, Ginia Goggio, targeted funds to the village school in Radodza.

For the second straight year, Chris Evanoff, of Rochester Hills, Michigan, donated $1,000 which covered LCD projectors, a color printer and some robotic kits for the participating schools.


Volunteer teaching experience

Unfortunately, we attracted no volunteers this year. We plan to pick up our recruiting efforts in 2020.


Special accomplishments

2019 report1MSP Board member Blazo Mitasev visited Stip transporting MSP funds. Here he met MSP board members and school liaisons, Emilija Paunkoska, Vesna Terzioska, and Margarita Ruvinova Niceska.

Not long later, Emilija Paunkoska traveled to Portland Oregon where she met MSP Board members Tom Lineham and Vasja Jordanova and attended Sasha Agapiev’s high school graduation party.

For the first time in nearly ten years the MSP updated its brochure to include new information. In addition, the MSP Facebook page reached 250 friends.


2019 report2In a special contest, the MSP awarded Bojan Krstanoski of the Tito School in Struga first prize for his design of a new Macedonia Schools Project logo.

Several contributed to Emilija Luseska’s trip to the European Youth Chess Championship in Bratislava. A member of the Lasker Chess Club, Emilija, won first prize for her age group and gender in Macedonia.

Blazo Mitasev made significant progress in exploring the establishment of the MSP in the Stip region.

Using the new cameras and equipment provided by Sasha Agapiev and his mother, Vasja Jordanova, the Bratstvo-Edinstvo School Photography Club entered two great videos into international competition. One video received first place in its category and the other third place.

We also sent one box of English language books to Zivko Cingo School.


Board meetings

The MSP established an executive board to better streamline its decision-making process as the organizing grows.


Special Thanks to our Donors that include: Oregon Community Foundation/Speroff Family Foundation, Vasja Jordanova, Sasha Agapiev, Intel, Tom Lineham, Connie Simpson, Blazo and Alice Mitasev, Michael Mitasev, Chris Evanoff, Tim Nogler, Tony Usibelli, Gina & Michael Goggio, the Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation, Jack Smith, Phil Riches and Christ Bouneff.