
2021 Macedonia Schools Project Annual Report

Like elsewhere in the world, the Republic of North Macedonia schools entered into the second year of the global pandemic. Vaccines are now readily available there, with many of the Macedonian students and teachers being vaccinated.

However, the numbers are lower as compared to the USA and other places. Getting vaccines there was a challenge at the beginning! Bravely the schools, students, teachers and staff continued as best as possible under the circumstances. The Macedonia Schools Project (“MSP”) brought a little additional joy in the lives of its partner school communities in 2021. We were actually able to do this because of the increase in donor generosity over the past year. This helped us expand our network in North Macedonia. And , we would like to report that MSP now serves eight schools. Our newest partners are schools located in Bitola, Prilep, Podares and Skopje. Expanding our network would not have been possible without the help from several members of the MSP governing board. We want to acknowledge and thank these members for actively helping in developing the new connections and projects. And as always, the MSP program could not achieve its success level without our dedicated school liaisons that make it possible to identify, purchase and install the most important school equipment and supplies each school requests and much needs. This year we provided funding for two type of grants, competitive and pilot grants. We were also able to help establish a memorial fund in honor of a supporter of MSP.

Competitive Grants

This year, we had four schools receive grants under the MSP annual Request for Proposal. Each of the four schools received grants of $2,500 and with these funds they accomplished the following:

• Bratstvo-Edinstvo School, Ohrid: Purchased nearly 100 new single desks to provide more flexibility in classroom seating. Josep Broz Tito schools, Struga: Purchased two interactive smart boards. In addition, due to an unexpected discount, the school purchased an additional TV. Vanco Prke School, Stip: Purchased an interactive smart board and new laptop with the assistance of MSP Governing Board member Blazo Mitasev.

VancoNikoleskismarttvs6• Josep Broz Tito schools, Struga: Purchased two interactive smart boards. In addition, due to an unexpecteddiscount, the school purchased an additional TV.

• Vanco Prke School, Stip: Purchased an interactive smart board and new laptop with the assistance of MSP Governing Board member Blazo Mitasev.

• Vanco Nikoleski Primary School, Ohrid region: purchased 8 smart TVs for its Leskoec school. 


Pilot Projects

This year, the MSP launched a new program. The goal of this program was to increase the number of partner schools we partner with. Our hope was also that with this expansion we would find more schools that would be able to benefit from our grants. Members of the Board of Governors identified four new schools in 2021 and the MSP offered first time seed grants. The pilot schools this year were:

Kosta Racin Primary School, Podares: In coordination with MSP Board member Blazo Mitasev, the school used a $1,000 pilot grant for two new lap top computers.

• Gorgi Sugarev Primary School, Bitola: The school received a $2,000 grant for a new lap top, 2 printers and a large variety of much needed school supplies. Board member Vasja Jordanova played an important role for this project working through her friend Violeta Vasilevska, from Utah; and Violeta’s sister Liljana Vasilevska who teaches at the school. The school primarily serves Roma students.

AleksandarMakedonski_piano3.jpgKocho Racin Primary School, Prilep: The school received a generous donation of over $4,500 from former students Chris Evanoff and his sister, Dragica Dimefski from Michigan. As a Board Member Chris diligently coordinated this grant with Kocho Racin primary school officials. The school used the bulk of the funds for two interactive panels, a microscope and laser printer.

Aleksandar Makedonski Primary School, Skopje: The school used a small grant of $1,000 for a new piano and musical equipment as well as a new printer. Vasja Jordanova was also instrumental in developing this relationship as she once attended the school. The school invited Vasja’s brother, Ljudmil who lives in Skopje, as a special guest for the dedication event.

The MSP welcomes all four schools as partners for the future!

Dedicated Donations

As a nonprofit 501c(3) charity, the Macedonia Schools Project is in a good position to assist MacedonianAmerican donors and friends to connect with family roots. This past year, we accomplished the following:

• Former MSP Governing Board member, Ginia Goggio and he husband Michael from Illinois, provided over $5,000 in memory of Ginia’s father Jovan Juleski. Jovan grew up in Radozda, a small village on the west side of Lake Ohrid near the Albanian border. He later immigrated to the USA. With the help of school officials, the funds went to the Dimitar Vlahov Primary School in Radozda for the purchase of 8 new TVs and additional school supplies. 

• With the help of Vasja Jordanova’s special fund, the Vanco Nikoleski Primary School in Leskoec purchased a new 3-D printer. She also provided the Lasker Chess club $500 to purchase additional equipment.

• The Gorgi Sugarev Primary School in Bitola requested additional funding to install three AC units into three classrooms. Through a special fundraising effort, the MSP raised $1,660 to cover the units and installation costs. MSP Board member Alex Nicoloff and family of Portland Oregon contributed the bulk of these funds.

Volunteer Teaching Experience

Unfortunately, MSP cancelled its volunteer program for 2021 due to the pandemic. A question exists if we can offer the program in 2022.

Board Developments

Not only we were busy with the grants this year, we were also busy with planning for the future the MSP. With several thoughts in mind, we established several committee and project teams to study several needs and opportunities such as supporting professional teacher development; upgrading the MSP website upgrade; updating the MSP bylaws and adopting a code of conduct. The MSP also examined various ways to transmit funds effectively and increase transparency with our North Macedonia partner schools.

Lastly, our Governing Board added three excellent new members: Chris Evanoff of Rochester Hills, Michigan, Alex Nicoloff of Portland, Oregon and Rezart Mersini of West Hartford, Connecticut.

Special Thanks to our Donors that include: Oregon Community Foundation/Speroff Family Foundation; Vasja Jordanova; Intel; Tom Lineham; Blazo and Alice Mitasev; Michael Mitasev; Tim Nogler; Tony Usibelli; Gina & Michael Goggio; Roger Douglas; Roger Wilson; Jo Anne Schmidt; John Latta; Becky Frehse; Phil Riches; Biljana & Jason Guchereau; Rita Siavellis; Anne Kilpatick; Kathleen Goggio; Kathleen Lawrence; Larry Lowther; Violeta Vasileska; Desanka Ristova; Alex Nicoloff & family; Chris Evanoff & family;Ed Baxter; Sanda Atanasovski; Ron Morrison; Judith Adams; James R. and Beth Otto; George & Gail Pollock; Mary Zodrow; Natasha Garrett; Steve Leigh; Tanja Pejovic; Don Webb; Nicola Nicoloff; Stephanie Nicoloff-Schoening; John & Mimi Latta; Ardelle Nicoloffand Gerald Huckee
