
2022 Macedonia Schools Project Annual Report

Like schools throughout the world, schools in North Macedonia are finally returning to a degree of normalcy following the recent global pandemic.

The Macedonia Schools Project is uniquely situated to help as it has developed a broad network of local partners over the years. It is all about the kids! Since 2004, the Macedonia Schools Project has experienced slow, gradual growth providing more help each year to schools, teachers and kids in the Republic of North Macedonia. Due to its status as a 501(c)(3) tax exempt charitable organization, the MSP has reached a wide scope of donors.


Because of a historic high in donations last year, the MSP awarded grants, between $1,000 and #$2,500 to ten schools, including one new school to the MSP program. Below is a summary of the wide variety of educational tools and equipment participating schools were able to purchase with the MSP grants:

2022repAleksandar Makedonski Primary School, Skopje: Musical equipment
Bratstvo-Edinstvo School, Ohrid: Four TVs for the Central and Leskajca buildings along with four pen tablets.
Gorgi Sugarev Primary School, Bitola: Adaptive keyboards, wooden desks, chairs, and more.
Josep Broz Tito schools, Struga: Seven smart TVs.
Kocho Racin Primary School, Prilep: Smart board.
Kosta Racin Primary School, Podares: Five new lap top computers.
Vanco Prke School, Stip: Gym equipment.
Vanco Nikoleski Primary School, Ohrid region: A big TV for the school hall, protective glass for big TV - plexiglass with bracket construction and one computer for its Leskoec building.
Zivko Cingo School, Velgoshti: Xerox photocopy machine and five smart TVs. Thanks to some savvy shopping around for discounts, the school was able to purchase more TVs than were included in its original proposal!

The MSP also authorized a grant for a new school to the program, Brakja Miladinovci Primary School in Struga for a smart board and gym mattresses. MSP board member Rezart Mersini assisted.

Dedicated Donations

As a nonprofit 501c(3) charity, the Macedonia Schools Project is in a good position to assist Macedonian-American donors and friends to connect with family roots. This past year, we facilitated one special fund, a fund in memory of Draga Ivanova for Kocho Racin Primary School in Prilep.

Volunteer Teaching Experience

Unfortunately, MSP cancelled its volunteer program for 2022 due to the pandemic. However, the MSP Board approved the resumption of the program for the summer of 2023.

Board Developments

2022 repIn 2022 the MSP updated its website and adopted new bylaws. Check it out the MSP website at:

The MSP has undergone some significant organizational changes with the new fiscal year. Tom Lineham has stepped down as MSP President, but he will continue to play an important role as an advisor and board member. We are happy to announce that Blazo Mitasev has been elected as the new acting MSP President. We have also elected two other new Executive Board members: Leon Speroff as Vice President and Michael Speroff as Secretary. Last but not least, Biljana Guchereau remains as the current Treasurer. In addition, we'd like to welcome new board members Sasha Agapiev, Stoyan Kosev, Ted Speroff, and Hristijan Zafirovski.

Special Thanks to our Donors that include:

Oregon Community Foundation/Speroff Family Foundation; James & Beth Otto; Blazo & Alice Mitasev; Viktor Lazarov; Tom Lineham; Tony Usibelli; Biljana & Jason Guchereau; Cambia Heath Solutions Judith Adams, Violetta Vasilevska, Ted Speroff, Connie Simpson, Richard & Brenda Lehman; Vasja Jordanova; Intel; Roger Douglas; Biljana & Jason Guchereau; Alex Nicoloff; Ardelle Nicoloff; Timothy Nogler; George & Gail Pollock; Jay Renaud; Ron Morrison and Leo Kim

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